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Jumat, 15 November 2019 - 09:12 WIB

How to Give Your 2016 Resolutions Staying Power

This route takes serious patience. Begin with smaller goals, such as gaining one pound of muscle per month. You can accomplish this by increasing the amount of weight and reps with each workout. The Bowflex SelectTech 560 Dumbbells condense 32 different weights down to two -- maximizing space and storage at home.

This route takes serious patience. Begin with smaller goals, such as gaining one pound of muscle per month. You can accomplish this by increasing the amount of weight and reps with each workout. The Bowflex SelectTech 560 Dumbbells condense 32 different weights down to two -- maximizing space and storage at home.

With any new year comes a clean slate and a chance to take on new goals. For many, resolutions revolve around healthy changes, but experts caution that resolve begins to waver at the end of January — which is why setting specific, realistic goals is proven to be more effective.

“When it comes to fitness resolutions, the focus should be on small steps,” said Tom Holland, exercise physiologist and Bowflex Fitness Advisor. “While having a big goal to work toward can be motivating, it’s important to have small, manageable goals that allow you to celebrate the milestones along your fitness journey.”

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Here are three examples of lofty fitness resolutions — and how to break them down into achievable goals:

* “I want to run a marathon.” Training for a race takes months of commitment. Start with a 5K and work your way up to a 10K or half marathon, before deciding if you’re ready to complete the full 26.2 miles. To build endurance before you hit the pavement, consider an in-home cardio machine like the Bowflex TreadClimber TC200. This machine combines the motions of a treadmill, a stepper and an elliptical for a low-impact, total-body workout.

* “I want to look like a bodybuilder.” This route takes serious patience. Begin with smaller goals, such as gaining one pound of muscle per month. You can accomplish this by increasing the amount of weight and reps with each workout. The Bowflex SelectTech 560 Dumbbells condense 32 different weights down to two — maximizing space and storage at home. A smooth weight-changing mechanism in the handle allows you to adjust weights in varying increments and create a customized strength workout to sculpt your body. These first-ever “smart” dumbbells record reps, weight lifted and speed, sending your workout data via Bluetooth technology directly to your mobile device.

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* “I want to go on a cross-country bike trip.” Like a marathon, months of training go into preparing for this long-distance journey. Experts suggest building up your stamina over time to avoid injury. For an at-home workout, try the Schwinn Airdyne AD Pro Total Fitness Bike. The technology in this bike allows users to tailor intensity levels during workouts — the more effort given, the more resistance it delivers through the bike’s smooth, quiet, direct-drive belt system.

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To find your perfect New Year’s workout solution, please visit www.bowflex.com or www.schwinnfitness.com. For more tips from Tom Holland, visit the Bowflex Insider blog at www.bowflexinsider.com.

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